
Obama's got a brand new....brand?

Barack Obama, in addition to making his run for the Presidency "official" yesterday, also unveiled a brand new website with all sorts of new graphics and features . But I was immediately struck by the rather unique strange logo he has chosen.

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Looks to be a sun rising over an American flag. And it's also in the shape of an "O". Very modern and sophisticated. Not bad.

But the image also struck me as looking very, shall we say, corporate. In fact, it began to look rather familiar the longer I gazed at it.

And then it hit me.

I HAVE seen this before!

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Now I don't know if this qualifies trademark infringement by the Obama campaign. But before any lawsuits take place I truly hope I get the chance to ask Senator Obama this one pressing question...

"Can I get an order of fries with that campaign button?"